Friday 16 October 2009

Book Review

For the book review, I chose 'Waste: Uncovering the global food scandal', by Tristram Stuart. The topic has always fascinated me, as food is very resource expensive to grow, harvest, refine, sort, package and transport to the supermaket, where it will be picked up, bought, brought home, stored in a refrigerator then cooked. The principle of simply throwing it away after it has made this epic journey is galling. There was a fairly recent (last few years) ad campaign in the UK that stated 'One in three bags of shopping will be thrown away.' This shocking statistic has motivated me to learn more about it so I can complain and rant intelligently to my housemates as they dump their newly bought but never eaten chinese stir-fry in the bin!

1 comment:

  1. excellent book choice and a good reason to get into the subject! Do you think that telling your housemates this info will be enough to change their behaviour? or will you need to try some more subtle techniques to shift their patterns of consumption?
